Hinchley Wood School

State secondary school and sixth form (11-18 years) Surrey, South East
Absence 4%
Low 37% nationwide
Pupil:teacher 18:1
Top 26% nationwide
Avg. salary £42.9k
Top 9% nationwide
Secondary School
8 Score
Top 6% nationwide
Top 6% nationwide
English Baccalaureate Pass Rate
Ebacc 30%
Top 18% nationwide
English 87%
Top 10% nationwide
Math 81%
Top 7% nationwide
  • Sixth Form
  • College
  • Other education
  • Employment
  • Other
  • 39%
  • 34%
  • 19%
  • 4%
  • 4%
Sixth Form
Value Added
A level
Top 6% nationwide
Top 5% nationwide
Average Result
A level B
Top 14% nationwide
Academic B
Top 15% nationwide
  • Oxford / Cambridge
  • Top 1/3 universities
  • Other universities
  • Employment
  • Other
  • 0%
  • 39%
  • 28%
  • 0%
  • 33%
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